In the thrash market. Tested by experience.
There are some specialists who call themselves marketers, there are internet marketers, there are digital marketers, there are marketers and many others.
Who’s different or does what?
And more precisely, who is responsible for what result?
Do you have a clear understanding?
There is email marketing, those who are engaged in content marketing.
A huge number of specializations, due to the emergence of a large number of technologies and tools in modern marketing.
All this cloud of meanings creates a collapse in the head of the entrepreneur and manager.
A marketer is perceived as a shaman. And most importantly, no one knows what this magical man is responsible for. And where is the setup.
Let’s sort it out. Because any dark area left without control is the loss of profit. And in this matter, there is definitely some kind of system failure.
A person who understands social networks and sets up advertising in a great way is a marketer?
Or he is a little bit of a “non-marketer” after all.
To understand, you need to know and understand what marketing
That’s where we’ll start.
When I ask that question in the audience, I hear a lot of different answers:
- promotion,
- customer analysis,
- competitor analysis,
- smm,
- advertising,
- pricing…
Think about it. It is this fractured notion in the entrepreneur’s head about marketing that makes it difficult for him to understand. One of the most brilliant marketing strategists has given me a definition that I still use.
In literal translation from English, marketing is the market or, in other words, any of your actions in the market that you do in order to make a profit.
It’s a system process, the whole chain of actions to come up with an idea, create a product, package it, deliver it to the customer and make a profit.
Linked actions that only work together to produce a bombing result.
Marketing should be seen as a kind of global history that defines your business, helps to answer basic questions: who our client is, what is our product, how best to present it, what words to say about it, how best to promote it, in what channels, at what price and so on. A lot of questions are put here, which need to be managed.
Understanding this, it’s easy to answer the question – who is a marketer?
A (real) marketer is someone who understands the entire process of creating value for the client, knows the tools that are suitable for solving problems at each stage and can manage this process systematically to bring your company profit.
And the main result of his work – it is not a beautiful site, and not a well-adjusted advertising.
And the right number of potential customers at a reasonable price for you, which bring you the desired profit by buying the product that you want to sell within the framework of the concept and model that you came up with.
- I hope it’s clearer. Because next, even more interesting.
- It is not enough to understand what marketing is.
- It is not enough to be able to hire a smart marketer.
- It is important to stop stepping on the same rake.
- Find and realize a systemic error in the management of the marketing process in your company.
A little statistics.
What is the reason?
42% of companies do not find their market or, in other words, do not find their customers. We can come up with an ingenious product or service, flying chairs with a propeller, which will probably replace taxis in the near future. But we can’t find a market for this product, because our competence in marketing management is very low.
In my opinion, we all, each and every one of us, have, among other things, for a long time made this big logical system error. It seems so obvious when you open it, but when we are used to stereotypes, we forget and don’t even notice it.
Remember the moment when you just invented your business or some new product. Answer the question: “Where did you start to act?
As a rule, the answers in the audience are as follows: developed a corporate identity and logo, launched the site, set up advertising, looked at competitors, queries in the wordstat. And now it’s been 4 months, the money in advertising, and the result is zero.
In fact, in this algorithm, in our desire to immediately run to advertise our beautiful product without prior system analytical work and hides the same logical mistake in marketing management in the company.
We live and work in a paradigm to fit square people who want round. Just because we keep saying, “Look, I have great chairs, it’s great to have propeller chairs now. At this point, we are forgetting that the customer buys a solution to his problem in a way that is specific to him and that is of particular benefit to him.
This algorithm is wrong.
Profit and business scaling does not start with sites and beautiful logos, and not with advertising campaigns even. It starts with analytics and systematic collection of knowledge about the consumer and the market.
These are obvious absolutely things that are actually written in every book. But, God, how difficult it is when you are an entrepreneur, how difficult it is to implement it in business practice, how difficult it is to learn to really think like that, because, unfortunately, we are always thinking from the category of “my product number one, cool, how to urgently sell it, promote it and so on.
I assert (marketing guru too) that everything is different in real marketing, and I assert that the first steps to start with are analytics.
To see who your customers are, why they buy, who your competitors are, what is going on in the market, where it is going, what trends determine the industry, what unique internal resources are in your company in order to be competitive in the market.
Only in this way, you will stop shoving and start selling not just propeller chairs, but a faster, more comfortable way to move in traffic jams with your propeller on the chair.
Because when you have understood these first steps, have understood what really lies the value of your product for the client, then you can and should be engaged in packaging and positioning, that is, inventing beautiful slogans, branding, branded colors and fonts, logos, websites. Only after the essence is clear.