Your Marketing Strategy is not a document kept in a cool yellow folder in version 2.0 or 1.0, in truth, is a dynamic and lively work tool that has associated specific marketing actions.
Sometimes, it is believed that printing and placing flyers or paying for some kind of advertising will reach new customers and higher sales because they are doing marketing …
Marketing is not about advertising.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
How is marketing defined?
Marketing is the alignment of business activities to market needs, in particular the promotion and supply of goods and services.
Real marketing actions require planning, organization, implementation and measurement of objectives that respond to a strategy.
It does not have to be something complicated and unattainable for us (simple mortals).
To begin with, you have to know what you want to achieve and, from this point, build a step by step based on a marketing action plan with concrete actions that must be systematically reviewed.
These marketing actions will respond to the objectives set, and these in turn to the strategy.
Personalizing the actions to improve your Marketing strategy is the obvious and natural thing, however, there are some activities that are quite common to apply in any professional or business project.
Here are some ideas, use them to implement yours and get better results in your online marketing strategy.
Concrete marketing actions to improve your strategy
Update your ideal client’s profile
The first risk is attracting a target audience that does not correspond to your strategy and is most likely not interested in your products and services.
Start by reviewing the profile of the person you have made and enriching it with the quantitative and qualitative data and measurements you have.
The most important thing is to know what your ideal client’s needs are and how you can help him, only then will you be able to create products and contents that really bring you closer to them.
Start by updating this data from your ideal customer profile:
- Age Range / Sex / Geographic Location
- Profession and Experience / Current Occupation
- Marital Status / Do you have children?
- Economic and Social Status / Income
- Habits and hobbies (offline and online)
- Social Media Habits
- Objectives, Challenges, Goals, Beliefs and Values: personal and professional
- Main problems, pain points and needs
With these data you will be able to understand the current and future situation of your client and, with it, find the connection points between their interests and your product and service.
In other words, these data will help you to be clear about what you can help him with so that you can adjust your product or service and message to his needs.
Review Marketing and Social Media trends
The trends will define a frame of reference for you, they do not constitute a definitive guide but they do offer you a starting point for the future to implement new marketing actions for your strategy or to improve the ones you have planned.
In this case, rely on the reports offered by renowned institutions in the marketing, advertising and communication sector taking into consideration your type of customer, products and services, market niche and geographical area of action.
Design an SEO strategy for your Web / Blog
It is clear that if you are developing an online marketing strategy you should have a website and preferably a blog.
That said, reviewing your site is vital if you want to attract traffic, so you can start by reviewing the following elements:
- Analysis of the most viewed, commented and best positioned content, in order to optimize them.
- Essential page reviews such as: home, sales, about me or about.
- Optimization of old contents.
- Review of the strategy of internal and external links.
- Review of keywords of interest.
Brand Positioning
Achieving a good brand positioning cannot be a pending task for your business since it offers you the advantages of increasing its scalability and sustainability on the basis of creating emotional preferences with your target audience.
It is obvious that once you have positioned yourself it will be much easier for you to attract new customers based on the reputation you have earned, as well as to gain the loyalty of those you already have by turning them into ambassadors for your brand.
Maintaining control and permanent evaluation of the advances in brand positioning that you have achieved should be one of your most priority tasks.